All Shapes, Sizes, and Prices
General Aviation (GA) aircraft come in all shapes, sizes, and
prices. Many used airplanes bought and sold in the United States today
cost no more than an SUV, and some cost as little as a used car. From
ultralights to helicopters to private planes to corporate jets, there’s
a different kind of aircraft for every type of flying, as well every
size budget.
Single-Engine Piston

their name implies, “singles” have only one piston engine, usually
mounted at the nose of the airplane using a propeller to drive the
airplane. When the engine is mounted at the back, it’s called a pusher.
These aircraft comprise nearly 68 percent of the GA fleet. Pilots who
are certificated (licensed) to fly these airplanes will have a
single-engine land rating (SEL).
Business Jets

range in size from small seven-person jets like the Learjet 35A to the
Boeing business jet that is based upon the 737 airliner. Most,
however, seat about nine people and operate over distances of a few
hundred to 1,500 miles.
Far from being a luxury, today’s corporate jet ferries tens of
thousands of replacement parts, customers, and mid-level employees for
companies of all sizes. All save time and money by using America’s
General Aviation (GA) business fleet to avoid airlines delays and their
congested hub-based route systems. Turbojet (jet) aircraft comprise 4
percent of the GA fleet.
Tricycle Gear

World War II, the industry began to make widespread use of a design
that put the two main landing gear a bit further back on the aircraft
under the wing, with a steerable nosewheel in the front. The result
resembles the arrangement one would see on a child’s tricycle, hence
the term “tricycle gear.” These airplanes sit level on the ground and
are easier to operate than a taildragger.
Amphibians are like floatplanes, except they also feature retractable wheels for operating from paved runways or grass strips.

World War II, most airplanes had their two main landing gear and
wheels — otherwise known as “the mains” — toward the front of the
airplane and a small tailwheel under the tail. On the ground, these
airplanes sit with their tails low to the ground, hence the name
Taildraggers excel at flying from primitive dirt or grass strips, so
they’re very popular in wilderness areas and Alaska (see video).
However, these airplanes are harder to taxi, takeoff, and land than a
standard “tricycle” gear airplane with a nosewheel in the front. The
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires pilots who want to fly
these airplanes to get special training and a logbook endorsement from
an FAA certificated flight instructor.

were first conceived by Leonardo da Vinci. Today, they perform a wide
range of lifesaving roles, as well as roles in filmmaking, police work,
and agriculture. Helicopters couple their engines to an overhead rotor
that serves as the helicopter’s rotating wing. This allows them to
take off, hover, and land vertically. Rotorcraft, including gyroplanes,
make up roughly 3 percent of the GA fleet.

aircraft combine the vertical takeoff, hover, and landing capabilities
of a helicopter with the forward speed of a turboprop. Their engines
and propellers tilt up to form the rotors for vertical flight and tilt
forward to create propulsion for fast forward flight.
As the name implies, these simple and fun aircraft are lightweight,
carry no more than 5 gallons of fuel, travel no faster than 63 mph, and
land at slow speeds. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) also
classifies hang gliders and powered parachutes as ultralights. Most
ultralights are built or assembled from factory-made kits using
FAA-approved designs. They’re a fun and affordable way to taste the joy
of flight.
Light Sport Aircraft

is an ever-growing crop of light-sport aircraft (LSA) emerging within
the U. S. aviation marketplace. Many of these aircraft have been flying
in Europe and elsewhere in the world for years but are now making
their debuts in America.
Multiengine Piston
These airplanes have two or more piston engines using propellers to
drive the airplane. They offer more speed and performance than most
singles, cost more to buy and operate, require advanced training and a
special FAA rating to fly, and offer the redundancy of a second engine.
They comprise 8 percent of the GA fleet. Pilots who are certificated
(licensed) to fly these planes will have a multiengine land rating

airplanes use a gas turbine (jet) engine, coupled through a
transmission, to drive the blades of a conventional propeller. They
combine the reliability of a jet engine with the short takeoff and
landing performance of a propeller-driven airplane.
Many have two engines. Yet, because of the incredible reliability of
today’s turbine engines, a growing number use only one turboprop engine
mounted on the nose. Turboprops comprise about 3 percent of the GA
Floatplanes or Seaplanes

airplanes either have floats instead of wheeled-landing gear or their
hull is shaped like that of a boat, allowing them to take off from
water or land on water. These are a common sight in Alaska and in
wilderness areas where fishermen or sportsmen want to reach remote
lakes. Pilots who are certificated to fly these airplanes will have a
single- or multiengine seaplane rating (SES or MES).
Biplanes have two main wings. This type of airplane was very common
before World War II and continues to be popular today among stunt and
agricultural pilots. The vast majority of biplanes are also
taildraggers. They make excellent aerobatic airplanes and can be seen
at picturesque grass airstrips throughout America.
These aircraft use the wind and rising columns of warm air for lift.
Like birds, they can soar for great distances and to great heights. The
world’s first successful airplanes were all gliders, including many
built by the Wright Brothers. Gliders are towed aloft by powered
airplanes, a winch, or a small retractable engine.

use an airplane engine and small propeller to push or pull themselves
forward. As they move, air rushing up through the free-wheeling
overhead rotor blades causes the rotor to rotate. The rotating rotor
serves as the gyroplane’s rotating wing. They can take off and land in
very short distances, yet they are less complex and therefore less
costly to operate than a helicopter.
Kitbuilts or Homebuilts

Wright Brothers’ original airplanes were all homebuilts, meaning that
they were built at home by aviation enthusiasts and entrepreneurs.
Today, under strict Federal Aviation Administration guidelines and
stringent FAA inspections, many thousands of airplanes, gliders,
helicopters, and other experimental flying machines are built by
individuals in their basements and garages all across America. Most are
built or assembled from factory-made kits using FAA-approved designs.
Some can be very sophisticated.
Powered Parachutes

is as simple and affordable as it gets. You strap a motor with a
propeller on your back, then hang from a parachute while you get a true
bird’s-eye view of the world around you. If the motor quits, you float
gently to earth in your parachute. Some large versions seat two people.
Airships (Blimps & Dirigibles)
Like balloons, airships use hot air and/or lighter-than-air gases to
generate lift. But unlike balloons, they also carry one or more engines
and propellers to generate thrust and have aerodynamic control
surfaces for steering. This allows them to move through the sky at
will, without being beholden to the wind.
There are three different types of airships: non-rigid, semi-rigid,
and rigid. Non-rigid or semi-rigid airships, like the Goodyear blimp,
use only the pressure of their lifting gases to maintain their shape.
Rigid airships like the infamous Hindenburg have full-envelope metal
interior framing.

air balloons were first used by the pre-Incan Nazca civilization more
than 2,000 years ago. Balloons use hot air and/or lighter-than-air
gases to generate lift. They are carried across the landscape by the
winds aloft. Most carry three or four people, although some larger
models used for commercial services carry more. Some can be seen in the
shape of advertising products.
Your Personal Use of GA
When you see a flying machine that’s not an airliner, try to
identify which type of aircraft it is, based upon the descriptions and
pictures you’ve seen here.
Standard Certificate of Airworthiness
Most aircraft are designed and built by aircraft manufacturers.
These so-called traditional aircraft are a lot like your car; they’re
made one right after another on a production line.
They are built using a design that has been pre-approved — or
certified — by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). For the rest
of their useful lives, they must be maintained and repaired to these
original or updated specifications.
These aircraft can be used for a wide range of tasks and flown in all types of airspace.
យន្តហោះមានចែកចេញជាច្រើនប្រភេទ និង ច្រើនខ្នាតខុសៗគ្នា
@ Single-Engine Piston
@ យន្តហោះដឹកអ្នកដំណើរ
យន្តហោះនេះមានចាប់ពីប្រភេទខ្នាតតូចអាចដឹកមនុស្សបាន ៧
មនុស្សនាក់ដូចជាយន្តហោះ Learjet 35A
រហូតដល់ខ្នាតធំដឹកមនុស្សបានរាប់រយនាក់ដូចជា Boeing 777 ជាដើម។
@ Amphibian
យន្តហោះប្រភេទនេះអាចបើកលើទឹកបាន ហើយមានកង់ដែលអាចរត់លើផ្លូវធម្មតា ឬ ផ្លូវស្មៅបានទៀតផង។
@ ឧទ្ធម្ភាគចក្រ
ការបំពាក់ម៉ាស៊ីន និង
@ Tiltrotor
@ Ultralight
យន្តហោះប្រភេទនេះមានលក្ខណៈដូចឈ្មោះអ៊ីចឹង គឺមានទម្ងន់ស្រាលបំផុត ដោយមានប្រើសម្រាប់ការកម្សាន្តតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ។
@ Multiengine Piston
យន្តហោះប្រភេទនេះមានពីស្តុងម៉ាស៊ីនពីរ ឬ ច្រើនជាងនេះ
ដោយមានល្បឿនលឿន និង ដំណើរការប្រសើរជាងយន្តហោះប្រើម៉ាស៊ីនមួយ
ប៉ុន្តែមានតម្លៃថ្លៃ និង ចំណាយច្រើនលើដំណើរការ។
@ Biplane
@ Glider
ប្រភេទយន្តហោះ Glider ប្រើប្រាស់ខ្យល់ និង
យន្តហោះប្រភេទនេះអាចហោះបានឆ្ងាយ និង
@ Gyroplane
រួមទាំងស្លាបចក្រតូចមានប្រវែងវែង ដើម្បីបង្កើតជាកម្លាំងរុញ និង
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